Key Cues For Navigating Life With A Japanese Host Family

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Experiencing time with the Japanese host family is among the most enriching cultural immersions you can undertake while exploring Japan. Whether you’re embarking on a short visit, pursuing a semester abroad, or opting for a full gap year in Japan, embarking on a homestay is a worthwhile endeavor.

Japanese families frequently extend their warm hospitality to travelers, offering them an opportunity to partake in their vibrant culture, and Japan’s reputation as one of the world’s safest countries makes it an ideal choice for a gap year.

However, just like exploring any new country, Japan can be initially daunting and occasionally challenging for travelers. When should you remove your shoes? How can you execute a proper bow? And what’s the story with all those buttons on the toilet? To ensure you are a respectful and culturally aware guest during your homestay and travels, it is essential to research the local customs and etiquette in advance.

Ideal hints to live with Japanese host family has put together a collection of recommendations for those considering residing in Japanese host family.

Keep in mind your table manners

It can pose a challenge to determine whether you're adhering to proper dining manners
It can pose a challenge to determine whether you’re adhering to proper dining manners

Love the robot toilet!

Japanese toilets are famous for their technological advancement
Japanese toilets are famous for their technological advancement

Avoid utilizing the showerhead for cleaning inside the bathtub

Avoid utilizing the showerhead for cleaning inside the bathtub
Avoid utilizing the showerhead for cleaning inside the bathtub

Push yourself to practice

Challenge yourself to dedicate a weekend with a non-English-speaking family
Challenge yourself to dedicate a weekend with a non-English-speaking family

Expect to be busy

Anticipate a constant stream of entertainment as soon as you enter the premises
Anticipate a constant stream of entertainment as soon as you enter the premises

Remember a gift

It is advisable to consider bringing a modest gift as a token of appreciation
It is advisable to consider bringing a modest gift as a token of appreciation

Take off your shoes indoors

Wearing shoes inside a Japanese residence is a cultural faux pas
Wearing shoes inside a Japanese residence is a cultural faux pas


Although it might seem daunting to bridge cultural gaps and share time with a family from a foreign land, opting for a homestay in Japan stands as one of the most profound experiences you can embrace during your visit or gap year. Take the opportunity to extend your horizons and push the boundaries of your comfort zone, striving for a full cultural immersion. This endeavor will leave you with a profound admiration for Japanese host family and foster lasting friendships.


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