Although most multi-family residences in New York City fit neatly into specific categories such as co-ops, condos, walk-up, or elevator buildings, it’s essential to note that any property with two or more units qualifies as a multi-family dwelling. Investing in a multi-family dwelling, whether it’s a duplex, triplex, or a house with a legal basement apartment, can be a highly intelligent financial move. However, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with all the advantages, disadvantages, and obligations associated with buying and overseeing a property containing one or more rental units before embarking on your search for such a residence.
Advantages of a multi-family dwelling
The key motivation behind acquiring a multi-family home is that, given the appropriate circumstances, purchasers can promptly set their property into action for their benefit.

Disadvantages of a multi-family dwelling
When acquiring a multi-family dwelling, it’s important to recognize that everything, from financing to taxes, will become considerably more intricate.



Obligations of the proprietor of a multi-family dwelling
Whether you favor it or not, if you’re investing in a multi-family dwelling or two-family home, you must prepare yourself for assuming the role of a landlord. Being a landlord involves more than just having a title.

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That’s all about the multi-family dwelling that you should keep in mind. We hope you can gain more deeper insights into it in the future.