A one-of-a-kind house built from 11 containers

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After winning the $2 million jackpot, a homeless man in the US used 11 containers to build his dream home.

Will Breaux’s special container house is located on McGowen Street, TP. Houston. According to Breaux, he has cherished the idea of ​​​​designing a container house for a long time and after a while building on 3D software, he turned it into reality.

Previously, Breaux had to use a giant bridge to bring these containers to the right position.

However, Breaux said that due to insufficient funding, some items of this three-storey building are still unfinished, especially the number of floors is not enough. In addition, the structure of the house is already there, but some items such as painting, or the roof have not been completed.

As Breaux shared, he doesn’t have enough money to do it all at once, so he is still making money to finish the house even though it may take a long time.

Although the image of the house has become famous online over the past few years, Breaux insists he doesn’t mind the attention of netizens because the house was built to serve him. not anyone else. Therefore, he does not feel he has to care about other criticisms and contributions.

However, recently, Breaux still responded to some false information. Some people believe that his container house does not meet the provisions of the Law.

He said that the house had complied and met all building regulations, including testing for steel quality, fire resistance and storm resistance.

In addition, the house is also equipped with insulation on all walls and ceilings like many other houses.
Will Breaux said he had plans to paint and decorate the outside of the house, but until then, he still has a lot of work to do inside.

Source: Mills Container Services
Sao Doan

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2 years ago

[…] A one-of-a-kind house built from 11 containers […]